
CSPI is Water Management Solutions Plus and the primary resource for technical information. We are the experts who help analyze industry challenges and provide workable, efficient solutions. Conveniently, we offer a unique forum for sharing projects, research, innovations, and solutions with engineers and contractors around the world. CSPI provides easy access to a wealth of timely information that helps government works departments and civil engineers solve water and soil management challenges with solutions that are cost effective and built to last.

Information is updated regularly and all case studies and technical bulletins are downloadable.
Person looking at papers

Technical Information

Check out a variety of technical bulletins covering a wide array of topics – from Canadian Performance Guidelines, to field repair for CSP, special coatings, relining procedures, and more. Browse the various Technical Information resources by selecting from the categories.
Photo of a project

Project Profiles

Find featured projects along with unique situations where CSP has been used with great success. Browse our Project Profiles by Application.
Bar and line graphs


Carbon Footprint Calculator Service Life Calculator Resistivity Calculator Velocity Slope Abrasion Calculator Round Pipe
hand holding up a bulb

Education and Awareness Series

Demonstrating the role of the CSPI through its ongoing Post Secondary lectures and discussions.

Member Locator Map

Locate and contact CSPI manufacturer members near you.
Hand holding megaphone

CSP Promotion

Material promoting the versatility and strength of CSP and SCSP.

CSP Sustainability

The use of corrugated steel pipe and structural plate ensures to owners that manufacturers are focused towards our impact on the environment.
Hand with checklist

Municipal CSP Documents

Documents containing research & white papers, product comparisons, and technical documents and field studies on Spiral Rib Corrugated Steel Pipe specification CSA G401-14,, ASTM A760/A760M, A762/A762M.

Polymer Coated SP Documents

Documents containing research & white papers, specifications, and technical documents and field studies on Polymer Coated SP.
Contact Us
Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute

6-100 Idle Creek Dr

Kitchener ON N2A 4H3
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Contact Us
Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute

6-100 Idle Creek Dr

Kitchener ON N2A 4H3