We are an impartial organization that works with member manufacturers, engineers and municipalities around the world, to gather data and information to make CSPI the essential information resource for water and soil management in Canada.
CSPI is Water Management Solutions Plus and the primary resource for technical information. We are the experts who help analyze industry challenges and provide workable, efficient solutions. Conveniently, we offer a unique forum for sharing projects, research, innovations, and solutions with engineers and contractors around the world.
CSP provides solutions that meet challenges for a wide variety of issues across numerous market segments. Do you have a particular issue or challenge you would like help with?
CSP is a versatile product suitable for a world of applications. Durable and reliable, CSP has an outstanding performance record making it ideal for incorporation into different design solutions to address specific water and soil challenges.
Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) is manufactured to exacting specifications to ensure a high quality product that is optimized for strength, durability, ease of installation, sustainability, and economy. CSPI and manufacturers use studies to understand and quantify the durability performance of CSP.
Gain access to exclusive industry knowledge, best practices, and standards databases. Collaborate with leaders driving innovation and sustainability in the Canadian corrugated steel pipe industry.